support for parenting

Parenting is the process of raising children, which includes the protection and care as well as the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of their children till adulthood. Parenting can be satisfying and rewarding, but also challenging and overwhelming. The responsibilities that parents have to fulfill are enormous, and it requires an enormous effort of attention and patience.

Raising children is not assembling furniture or programming a computer. There are no instructions or manuals for parenting. This is the difficulty, but also the magnificence of being a parent. Each parent and each child are unique and distinctive, and all together form a unique family with its own characteristics that cannot be replicated.

The way parents raise their children is closely related to their personal experiences, the way they have been raised by their parents, but also to their expectations and dreams about their children.

The role of the counsellor is to help parents link their feelings, actions, and expectations and understand themselves in relation to their child. Through this process, parents have the chance to stand back, reflect, and see each situation from a new angle, enabling them to find their own answers.

The process of exploration and change might take time, but only when it comes from the parent’s own discovery can it be implemented and supported by the parents.